Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Colossians 1:28 - We proclaim him, warning and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ. (CSB)


is one of my efforts to accomplish this scripture. 

Resentment is a horrible taskmaster. It cripple's our thinking whenever the subject of our resentment shows up. The pain of its possession is evident in our facial expression, body language, speech and attitude.

What needs to be understood, is we are in control of this problem. We continue it or we can eliminate it.

How? By forgiving the person(s) involved or turning the limitation into learning and rising above its power over us.

Easier said than done? Yes, until you make up your mind that it will not win - you will - with God's help and strength. 

Remember, He forgave us so we can, if we will, forgive others. He certainly had good reason to resent the way people treated him, but he chose to forgive and " your (His) enemies...". You can do the same with His guidance, love and strength.


if you DON'T, your unforgiveness will destroy YOU, not the one(s) who wronged you or the thing that limits you. So, FORGIVE. It will set you FREE.


help someone else and this will enable you to do 2 things:

  1. Be free yourself
  2. Fulfill His Word and present them matured (grown up) before Christ

is provided to those doing the will of God. We use His wisdom to help others overcome issues similar to what we have been dealing with. They too, can be free and we can walk rejoicing through this life and into eternity.
