Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Back in Business

Hi again. Bet you thought I died or quit or something. Nope, just some personal issues I had to get out of the way so I could give attention to blogging again. Please forgive the time out.

Now to the blog:

Exodus 6:5 - "And I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel, whom the Egyptians keep in bondage; and I have remembered my covenant."

Just a couple of notes as we begin: 1) this 'groaning' is not just the present spot they were in, this is the cumulative version of ALL of their groaning; 2) God's 'remembering' was not from forgetfulness, rather it was the right time for His intervention as He had promised.

Some would say God is a hard and harsh God for allowing Israel to go through 400 years of slavery and abuse from the Egyptians, but remember, this was both the choice and desire of Jacob and his family because they didn't trust God to provide for them in the famine as He had for Isaac, Jacob's father (see Gen. 26:1-5; 12-16.).

When Jacob was faced with famine, he didn't ask God for direction or help, he just looked around to see what he could do. When he heard there was food in Egypt, he sent his sons to buy some. He didn't inquire of God, he just made his own way. Later when Joseph was revealed to him as still alive and in charge in Egypt, again Jacob didn't inquire of God, he just made his own way.

True, God had made a way for them through Joseph, but that was the mercy of God in action because he knew how Jacob and his sons would act when faced with (what seemed to them) a natural disaster - they would try to solve it on their own.

They had forgotten they were God's chosen people and acted just like the rest of the people on Earth - "do it my way". God had set them for an example to the rest of humanity and they just acted like the rest of humanity instead of allowing God to deliver them so others would see His greatness and personal concern for them and thus testify to the world of God's greatness and goodness. This would have been in great contrast to the 'gods' of the region and would have turned many to follow God, Jehovah.

So they went to Egypt and decided to stay there. They had forgotten the promises of God to give them the land of Caanan for an inheritance and settled for becoming slaves to the Egyptians when they could have been greater than kings as Isaac was counted by the Philistines. Instead of the heathen fearing Israel, Israel feared the heathen and their false gods.

God allowed this because they chose it. But when the time finally came that they were sick and tired of being sick and tired and they began to call for God to deliver them, God 'remembered' His covenant with them.

Rembered as in "Finally you have come to your senses and called for help. I would have helped you at any time, because I promised this to your fathers, but you didn't call. Nevertheless, you have called now so here's my answer. I will demonstrate my power so you and the world will not forget that I am God and I keep my promises!"

Now that's not scripture, just my paraphrase of what He did say and do. He is still saying and doing the same things for all that call upon Him today. If it's in His Word, He will do what He says He will do. We need to trust Him, call on Him and then we will see His deliverance. He is still the Mighty God! He is still the Great I AM. He is still personal and He still cares for all that trust in Him.

Why wait 400 years and suffer for generations when you can have the promises of God now? Why live as slaves when you can live as kings? Why live in poverty when all the riches of His grace are available to us now?

The Scripture urges us to "call upon Him while He is near". How near is He? He said He would never leave us or forsake us. He told us to "trust and not be afraid". He is waiting for you to call for His help. He is an everpresent help in the time of trouble.

If you are experiencing bondage to anything, call on God to deliver you - that's what He does best.

Proverbs 3:5&6, says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."

He is listening, why don't you start calling? GO WITH GOD!