Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Just Thinkin'

Today is one of those high windy days we have in the southwest corner of Iowa. Gusts up to 50+ mph; trash being relocated from neighbors yards to mine and vice versa; pups rush out to do their business and then right back in like they're afraid they will be blown away (who knows, but why take a chance?!); just a good day to do some thinking in my easy chair or on the computer.

Wonder what God does on windy days?

The Psalmist says, "I would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest." (Psalm 55:8)

Sounds like good advice.  Must be God built that into the animals and us to protect us from harm.  Of course mankind does not listen to good advice.  We just 'brave' the storm because what we have to do is of such high importance?! Right?

Oh well, moving on to other items  of interest, such as: Isn't it interesting when your neighbor's trash does blow into your yard? You find out all kinds of things, like what kind of toilet paper they use because the wrapper showed up in your shrubs. Or, that someone just got a new shop vac. One of my neighbors had shrimp for a meal this week. Another likes Tide laundry soap. And then there are personal items we won't mention.

The wind reveals many things. And then there is the wind of God - the Holy Spirit. When He showed up on Pentecost in AD 33, He revealed God's awesome power to change ordinary people into extraordinary powerful witnesses of His greatness and empowered them to tell it in 17 different languages, astounding the city of Jerusalem and enabling Peter (an ignorant fisherman) to challenge thousands so effectively that 3,000 joined the Church in one day.

That Wind has continued to blow until today there are multiplied millions who follow Jesus' teaching and hope for eternity.

If you want to know more about that windy day, look at the book of Acts, chapter two, in the Bible. If it gets your interest up, just continue reading for an unfolding story of the early Church.

Just thinkin'.

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